Well hey!

Nice to officially meet you! My name is Reilly, and I am so glad you’re here.

You have found yourself in the fun section where you get to know a little bit more about me. Like every terrible corporate ice breaker ever done… let’s do 2 truths and a lie, I’ll start!

  • I am born and raised in San Diego, CA

  • I am really bad at parallel parking

  • I once went bowling with Neyo

If you guessed that the lie was parallel parking, you’re RIGHT! You think I could survive in Southern California as a bad parallel parker? Forget it.

The Neyo bowling story is for another time - now let’s talk MARKETING! (My favorite!)

In 2023, Marketing has no one size fits all approach. The customer of 2023 knows more than ever and to market to them you have to understand them. Brands must grow, pivot, fail a little, and then grow some more to really understand their audience.

Essentially -> Understanding your customer and growing your brand go hand in hand.

That’s where I come in!

Growing brands has become my passion, it’s the stuff I stay up late at night thinking about with a wild notes tab on my phone to prove it. I am always trying to find new ways to make things more engaging, more successful and all in all a little less boring. I am constantly looking at brands I work with, love or come across and thinking, “Okay but how could we make this better?” And the annoying part… is that I find it really fun???

I am a consumer at heart and I think no matter what industry you are in, if you are an avid/good consumer, you can be a good marketer.

Anyway, lets grow some stuff, mess up, grow some more. And of course, let’s talk bowling + Neyo!